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For at hjælpe dig med at forstå videnskaben bag Neuromuscular Workout, og hvorfor øvelserne i programmet er blevet valgt, har vi samlet en liste over informationskilder.


De kilder og informationer, der findes her, er grundigt gennemgået af Malou Deichmann , Neuromuscular Workouts’ grundlægger og træner, der – udover sine mange års erfaring inden for fitness, mobilitet og fysisk træning – har en bachelor i Ernæring og Sundhed fra Suhr’s Seminarium i København, der gør hende i stand til at formidle og vejlede inden for områderne sundhed, ernæring og fysisk aktivitet.

Ud over sin bachelorgrad har Malou også modtaget følgende certificeringer, der kvalificerer hende til at træne, undervise og udvikle programmer for bevægelse inden for områderne fysisk fitness, mobilitet og styrke:

  • Februar 2009 – “Certified instructor for Matwork Level 1&2, Reformer Level 1” – Stott Pilates
  • November 2014 – “Fascia Oriented Training in the Contemporary Pilates Environment” – Copenhagen Pilates Studio
  • Juli 2015 – “Sacroiliac Function and Pilates Program Design”- Pilates Method Alliance
  • Juli 2015 – “Shoulder Mechanics, Alignment and Pilates Program Design” – Pilates Method Alliance
  • Januar 2016 – “Comprehensive Pilates Teacher Training” – Body Arts and Science International (BASI)
  • Januar 2017 – “Hip and Knee Biomechanics on the Reformer”- Pilates Method Alliance
  • September 2017 – “2017 Mountain Land Running Summit Attendance” – Mountain Land Running Summit
  • September 2018 – “2018 Mountain Land Running Summit Attendance” – Mountain Land Running Summit
  • Juni 2019 – “Children, Physiotherapy and Mental Health” – Social Pediatric Physiotherapist Pernille Thomsen
  • September 2022 – “2022 Mountain Land Running Summit Attendance” – Mountain Land Running Summit


Følgende kilder kommer fra en lang række peer reviewed artikler og er listet i kategorier for at hjælpe dig med at finde de oplysninger, der vedrører dit særlige fokusområde


– Durall, C. J. (2012, July 4). “Therapeutic Exercise for Athletes With Nonspecific Neck Pain: A Current Concepts Review”. Retrieved from

– University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). “Rehabilitation of Cervical Spine: A Patient’s Guide to Rehabilitation of the Cervical Spine”. Retrieved from


– Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. (2020, February 29). “Painful Shoulder: Exercise Can Reduce Pain and Improve Mobility and Function”. Retrieved from 

– Conroy, D.E.; Hayes, K.W. (1998, July 1). “The Effect of Joint Mobilization as a Component of Comprehensive Treatment for Primary Shoulder Impingement Syndrome”. Retrieved from

– Kang, MH.; Oh, J-S. (2019, October 15). “Effects of self-stretching with mobilization on shoulder range of motion in individuals with glenohumeral internal rotation deficits: a randomized controlled trial”. Retrieved from 


– Huxel Bliven, K. C.; Anderson, B. E. (2013, November 5). “Core Stability Training for Injury Prevention”. Retrieved from 

Nedre ekstremiteter (hofter og ben) gennem kernen

– Willson, J. D.; Dougherty, C. P. ; Ireland, M. L.; Davis, I. M.  (2005, September) “Core Stability and Its Relationship to Lower Extremity Function and Injury”. Retrieved from er.5.aspx


– Reiman, M. P.; Matheson, J. W. (2013, October 5).  “Restricted Hip Mobility: Clinical Suggestions for Self‐mobilization and Muscle Re‐education”. Retrieved from

Knæ og løb

– Vannatta, C. N.; Haberl, M. (2013, April 3). “Clinical Decision Making And Treatment In A Runner With Hip Pain And Neuromuscular Control Dysfunction: A Case Report”. Retrieved from /

– Sugimoto, D.; Myer, G. D.; Barber Foss, K. D.; Pepin, M. J.; Micheli, L. J.; Hewett, T. E. (2016, June 1). “Critical components of neuromuscular training to reduce ACL injury risk in female athletes: meta-regression analysis”. Retrieved from 


– Chinn, L.; Hertel, J., (2010, January). “Rehabilitation of Ankle and Foot Injuries in Athletes”. Retrieved from

– Bleakley, C.; Taylor, J.; Dischiavi, S.; Doherty, C.; Delahunt, E. (2018, October). “Rehabilitation Exercises Reduce Reinjury Post Ankle Sprain, But the Content and Parameters of an Optimal Exercise Program Have Yet to Be Established: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis”. Retrieved from


– Taddei, U. T.; Matias, A. B.; Duarte, M.; Sacco, I. C. N. (2020, December). “Foot Core Training to Prevent Running-Related Injuries: A Survival Analysis of a Single-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial”. Retrieved from 

Neuromuskulære øvelser til genoptræning og forebyggelse af skader

– Etty Griffin, L. Y. (2003, April). “Neuromuscular training and injury prevention in sports”. Retrieved from

– Emery, C. A.;  Roy, T. O.; Whittaker, J. L.; Nettel-Aguirre, A.; van Mechelen, W. (2015, July). “Neuromuscular training injury prevention strategies in youth sport: a systematic review and meta-analysis”. Retrieved from

– Richmond, S.; van den Berg, C.; Owoeye, O.; Shi, Q.; Palacios-Derflingher, L.; Hagel, B.;  Macpherson, A.; Emery, C. (2017, February). “The Efficacy Of A Neuromuscular Training Injury Prevention Warm-up Program In Junior High School Students”. Retrieved from

Mobilisering til restitution og forebyggelse af skader

– Schils, S. J.; Turner, T. A. (2010, December) “Review of Early Mobilization of Muscle, Tendon, and Ligament After Injury in Equine Rehabilitation (Chapter 2, 3 and 4.)”. Retrieved from

Symmetrisk træning til forebyggelse af skader

The below articles found significance between asymmetric strength and injuries in the respective populations:

– Yeung, J.; Cleves, A.; Griffiths, H.; Nokes, L. (2016, August). “Mobility, proprioception, strength and FMS as predictors of injury in professional footballers”. Retrieved from

– Wang, H-K.; Cochrane, T. (2001, September). “Mobility impairment, muscle imbalance, muscle weakness, scapular asymmetry and shoulder injury in elite volleyball athletes”. Retrieved from holar&cbl=4718

Kernestabilitet og potentialet for skadesforebyggelse

– Huxel Bliven, K. C.; Anderson, B. E. (2013, March). “Core Stability Training for Injury Prevention”. Retrieved from

– McGill, S. (2010, June) “Core Training: Evidence Translating to Better Performance and Injury Prevention”. Retrieved from

– Hibbs, A. E.; Thompson, K.G.; French, D.; Wrigley, W.; Spears, I. (2012, October) “Optimizing Performance by Improving Core Stability and Core Strength”. Retrieved from

– Willson, J. D.; Dougherty, C. P. ; Ireland, M. L.; Davis, I. M. (2005, September) “Core Stability and Its Relationship to Lower Extremity Function and Injury”. Retrieved from er.5.aspx

Slidgigt i hofter og knæ

– Ageberg, E.; Link, A.; Roos, E.M. (2010) “Feasibility of neuromuscular training in patients with severe hip or knee OA: The individualized goal-based NEMEX-TJR training program”. Retrieved from


– Wiewelhove T.; Döweling A.; Schneider C.; Hottenrott L.; Meyer T.; Kellmann M.; Pfeiffer M.; Ferrauti A.; (2019, April). “A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Foam Rolling on Performance and Recovery”. Retrieved from