
DA | [ See these disclaimers in English here]


1. Sundhed ansvarsfraskrivelse

Neuromuscular Workout APP indeholder videoer af fysisk træning, og fysisk træning er en anstrengende fysisk aktivitet. Før du bruger indholdet i denne APP, skal du søge råd hos en læge eller en fysioterapeut og sikre dig, at du er i stand til at udføre fysisk træning og bruge det udstyr, der foreslås i APP’en, korrekt.

Neuromuscular Workout er ikke et medicinsk selskab, og det kan ikke give dig medicinsk rådgivning eller diagnose.

Alle forslag og kommentarer i forbindelse med brug af fysisk træning eller udstyr udføres efter eget valg og på egen risiko.

Intet i APP’en eller fra organisationen skal opfattes som nogen form for medicinsk rådgivning eller diagnose.

Ved at bruge Neuromuscular Workout APP eller noget udstyr eller nogen rådgivning fra Neuromuscular Workout Corporation erklærer du, at du forstår, at fysisk træning indebærer anstrengende fysisk bevægelse, og at en sådan aktivitet medfører risiko for skade, hvad enten den er fysisk eller psykisk.

Du erklærer, at du forstår, at det er dit ansvar at bedømme dine fysiske og mentale evner til sådanne aktiviteter. Det er dit ansvar at sikre, at du ved at følge den fysiske aktivitet og rådene og kommentarerne i Neuromuscular Workout APP ikke overskrider dine grænser, mens du udfører en sådan aktivitet, og at du vælger det passende aktivitetsniveau for dine færdigheder og evner såvel som for eventuelle mentale eller fysiske tilstande og/eller begrænsninger, du har.

Du erklærer, at du forstår, at instruktører fra tid til anden kan foreslå fysiske justeringer eller brug af udstyr, og det er dit eget ansvar at afgøre, om en sådan foreslået justering eller udstyr er passende for dit færdighedsniveau og din fysiske og mentale tilstand.

Ved at bruge Neuromuscular Workout APP eller noget udstyr eller nogen rådgivning fra Neuromuscular Workout Corporation, erklærer du, at

Du giver udtrykkeligt afkald på og frigiver ethvert krav, som du på noget tidspunkt måtte have for skade af enhver art mod Neuromuscular Workout Corporation og Neuromuscular Workout APP, eller enhver person eller enhed, der er involveret i

Neuromuscular Workout Corporation og uafhængige instruktører, entreprenører, ansatte, agenter, associerede selskaber og repræsentanter.

Neuromuscular Workout Corporation er ikke medlem af nogen pilates-relateret organisation eller nogen anden træningsrelateret organisation. Neuromuscular Workout øvelser og programmer er ikke beregnet til certificeringsformål.

Du erklærer, at du forstår, at Neuromuscular Workout-øvelser og -programmer ikke er beregnet til personer under atten (18) år ved brug af APP’en eller hjemmesiden.

2. Ansvarsfraskrivelse af garantier

Du accepterer, at din brug af den service, som Neuromuscular Workout Corporation leverer, sker på din egen risiko. Tjenesten og materialet, der består af øvelser, programmer og rådgivning, leveres “SOM DEN ER” og uden garantier af nogen art, hverken udtrykkelige eller underforståede.

I det omfang loven tillader det, fraskriver Neuromuscular Workout, dets instruktører, konsulenter, medarbejdere, repræsentanter og direktører sig alle garantier, udtrykkelige eller underforståede, i forbindelse med tjenesten og din brug af den.

Neuromuscular Workout Corporation giver ingen garantier eller erklæringer om nøjagtigheden eller fuldstændigheden af alt indhold eller indholdet af websteder, der er knyttet til tjenesten, og påtager sig intet ansvar eller ansvar for (I) fejl, fejltagelser eller unøjagtigheder i indholdet, (II) personskade eller materiel skade af enhver art som følge af din adgang til og brug af tjenesten, (III) enhver uautoriseret adgang til eller brug af Neuromuscular Workouts sikre servere og/eller alle personlige oplysninger og/eller økonomiske oplysninger, der er gemt deri, (IV) enhver afbrydelse eller ophør af transmission til eller fra tjenesten, (V) eventuelle fejl, vira, trojanske heste eller lignende, som kan overføres til eller gennem tjenesten af enhver tredjepart, og / eller (VI) eventuelle fejl eller udeladelser i ethvert indhold eller for ethvert tab eller skade af enhver art, der er opstået som følge af brugen af ethvert indhold, der er sendt, e-mailet, transmitteret eller på anden måde gjort tilgængeligt via tjenesten.

Neuromuscular Workout Corporation garanterer ikke eller påtager sig ansvaret for noget produkt eller nogen tjeneste, der annonceres eller tilbydes af en tredjepart via tjenesten eller et hyperlinket websted eller vises i noget banner eller anden reklame, og Neuromuscular Workout vil ikke være part i eller på nogen måde være ansvarlig for at overvåge nogen transaktion mellem dig og tredjepartsudbydere af produkter eller tjenester. Som med køb af et produkt eller en tjeneste gennem ethvert medie eller i ethvert miljø, bør du bruge din bedste dømmekraft og udvise forsigtighed, hvor det er relevant.

3. Begrænsning af ansvar

Neuromuscular Workouts instruktører, konsulenter, medarbejdere, repræsentanter og direktører er under ingen omstændigheder ansvarlige over for dig for direkte, indirekte, tilfældige, særlige, pønale eller følgeskader af nogen art som følge af (I) fejl, mangler eller unøjagtigheder i indholdet, (II) personskade eller tingsskade af nogen art som følge af din adgang til og brug af tjenesten, (III) uautoriseret adgang til eller brug af Neuromuscular Workouts sikre servere og/eller alle personlige oplysninger og/eller økonomiske oplysninger,


EN |


1. Health Disclaimer

Neuromuscular Workout APP contains videos of physical exercise and physical exercise is a strenuous physical activity. Before you use the content of this APP seek the advice of a physician or a physical therapist and make sure that you are fit to perform physical exercise and use the equipment suggested in the APP properly.

Neuromuscular Workout is not a medical Corporation and it cannot give you medical advice or diagnosis.

All suggestions and comments relating to the use of physical exercise or equipment are carried out at your own choice and risk.

Nothing contained in the APP or coming from the organisation should be construed as any form of such medical advice or diagnosis.

By using Neuromuscular Workout APP or any equipment or any advice derived by Neuromuscular Workout Corporation, you represent that you understand that physical exercise involves strenuous physical movement, and that such activity carries the risk of injury whether physical or mental.

You represent that you understand that it is your responsibility to judge your physical and mental capabilities for such activities. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following the physical activity and the advice and comments in Neuromuscular Workout APP, you will not exceed your limits while performing such activity, and you will select the appropriate level of activity for your skills and abilities, as well as for any mental or physical conditions and/or limitations you have.

You represent that you understand that, from time to time instructors may suggest physical adjustments or the use of equipment and it is your sole responsibility to determine if any such suggested adjustment or equipment is appropriate for your level of ability and physical and mental condition.

By using Neuromuscular Workout APP or any equipment or any advice derived by Neuromuscular Workout Corporation, you represent that

You expressly waive and release any claim that you may have at any time for injury of any kind against Neuromuscular Workout Corporation and Neuromuscular Workout APP, or any person or entity involved with
Neuromuscular Workout corporation and independent instructors, contractors, employees, agents, affiliates and representatives.

Neuromuscular Workout corporation is not a member of any pilates-related governing or any other workout-related governing. Neuromuscular Workout exercises and programmes are not intended for certification purposes.

You represent that you understand that, Neuromuscular Workout exercises and programmes are not intended for persons under the age of eighteen (18) by using the APP or the website.

2. Disclaimer of Warranties

You agree that your use of the service that Neuromuscular Workout Corporation provides shall be at your sole risk. The service and the material consisting of exercises, programmes and advice are provided “AS IS“ and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Neuromuscular Workout, its instructors, consultants, employees, representatives and directors disclaim all warranties, express or implied, in connection with the service, and your use thereof.

Neuromuscular Workout Corporation makes no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of all content or the content of any sites linked to the service and assumes no liability or responsibility or any (I) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content, (II) personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to and use of the Service, (III) any unauthorised access to or use of Neuromuscular Workout secure servers and/or any and all personal information and/or financial information stored therein, (IV) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from the Service, (V) any bugs, viruses, Trojan horses, or the like which may be transmitted to or through the Service by any third party, and/or (VI) any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the service.

Neuromuscular Workout Corporation does not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for any product or service advertised or offered by a third party through the service or any hyperlinked website or featured in any banner or other advertising, and Neuromuscular Workout will not be a party to or in any way be responsible for monitoring any transaction between you and third-party providers of products or services. As with the purchase of a product or service through any medium or in any environment, you should use your best judgment and exercise caution where appropriate.

3. Limitation on Liability

In no event shall Neuromuscular Workout instructors, consultants, employees, representatives and directors, be liable to you for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages whatsoever resulting from any (I) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content, (II) personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to and use of the Service, (III) any unauthorised access to or use of Neuromuscular Workout secure servers and/or any and all personal information and/or financial information stored therein, (IV) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from the Service, (V) any bugs, viruses, Trojan horses, or the like, which may be transmitted to or through the Service by any third party, and/or (VI) any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of your use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the service, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not the Neuromuscular Workout is advised of the possibility of such damages. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law in the applicable jurisdiction.
You specifically acknowledge that Neuromuscular Workout shall not be liable for content posted by users or the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any third party and that the risk of harm or damage from the foregoing rests entirely with you.

Any reference to a person, entity, product, or service on the service does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Neuromuscular Workout or any of its representatives. Neuromuscular Workout is not responsible for any third party Content on the Service or third party web page accessed from the service, nor does Neuromuscular Workout warrant the accuracy of any information contained in a third party website or its fitness for any particular purpose.

No communication of any kind between you and Neuromuscular Workout or a representative of Neuromuscular Workout shall constitute a waiver of any limitations of liability hereunder or create any additional warranty not expressly stated in these present terms of use.

Neuromuscular Workout reserves the right to remove any material posted on the service that it determines in its sole discretion is violative of any law or right of any person, infringes the rights of any person, or is otherwise inappropriate for posting on the Website or in the APP or elsewhere related to Neuromuscular Workout, and on the social media related to or originating from Neuromuscular Workout.